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Decidueye - SWSH035 - Prerelease Promo

Decidueye - SWSH035 - Prerelease Promo

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Extra Info

Ability: Ability - Deep Forest Camo
Prevent all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks form your opponent's Pokemon V and Pokemon-GX.

Attack #1: [G][1] Splittying Arrow (90)
This attack also does 20 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.

Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Number: SWSH035
Card Text:
Card Type: Grass
Finish: Holo
HP: 140
Name: Decidueye
Rarity: Promotional
Retreat Cost: 2
Set: SWSH Black Star Promo
Stage: Stage 2
Weakness: Fire